Hello! Here’s a bit of personal info about me, to give you a feel for how the work you’ve been perusing on this website emerges from who I am, what I love and care about, and what moves me to action.
Something wild inside won’t keep still —
He doesn’t know its name, he never will –
He can’t afford that joy, can’t abide that pain…
He lies awake at night and listens to the rain.
The Chance We Didn't take
Tricia, music and lyrics, vocal and piano
Moon in the Morning
Tricia, music and lyrics, vocal and piano
Getting to the Good Part
Tricia, music and lyrics, vocal and piano
Slow Learner
Lyrics Tricia, Music Michael Geghan; vocals, Tricia and Michael; Piano, Michael
If It Happened
Lyrics Tricia, music Michael Geghan; vocal, Tricia; piano, Michael
Baby, I’m blue…nobody’s bluer.
Don’t mean aqua, don’t mean azure.
Just plain blue, that’s my color.
I don’t get brighter, don’t get duller…
Happy Birthday, Dear earth
for Central Park Earth Day, 1989; lyrics, Tunstall; music, Donald Johnston (vocal, Lee Roy Reams)
Baby I'm Blue
Redbook Learning Adventures – Exploring Colors & Shapes of the Deep Blue Sea
Nine Lost Cows
Redbook Learning Adventures – The Numberland Trail
Not a Pretty Face & Hanging Around
Redbook Learning Adventures – Exploring the Rain Forest
Close your eyes..sleep will come, when you stop trying to sleep.
Close your eyes…dreams begin when you stop counting your sheep.
Lose your troubles and take your time, there’s nothing for you to do.
You don’t have to go to sleep, you know…it’s ready to come to you…
by Tricia Tunstall, lyrics, and Wolfgang Lackerschmid, music; featuring Ronnell Bey, vocal, and Lawrence Feldman, saxophone (New Singers, New Songs 1993)